About Cate Perry


Cate Perry has a B.A. in English Literature and a Masters in Secondary Education. She has taught English for over twenty-five years and works as a developmental editor. She is an alumna of the Squaw Valley Writers Workshop and has worked as an agent liaison for the Chuckanut Writers Conference. She was published in Bernie Siegel’s A Book of Miracles and in the Bellingham Literary journal HamLit for her story In Between Days. She was a top ten finalist for the 2015 Ink and Insights Writing Contest for Not Looking and a Judge’s Favorite in the 2018 Ink and Insights Writing Contest for Before the Next Mistake.

Cate likes to sing and play guitar at open mics. According to her daughter, she tells bad mom jokes; according to Cate, they're hilarious. She lives in beautiful Skagit Valley with her daughter, two cats (Dora and Jasper) and two dogs (Nikki and Minnie).